Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Sus Contents Chocolate Sauce :) | Happy Cake

Sus Contents Chocolate Sauce :)                                                                                                               


Sus Contents Chocolate Sauce :)
:) Ingredients:
100 grams of margarine
250 ml of water
1/2 teaspoon salt
125 grams of cake flour
3 eggs (150 grams) egg
1 teaspoon baking powder

:) Material Contents:
-150 Grams dark cooking chocolate, melted
-150 Grams of white cooking chocolate, melted

:) How to make:

    - Boil water, margarine, and salt, stirring until boiling. Turn off the heat. Add the flour. Stir until smooth. Light the fire. Cook another minute until smooth. Remove and let it warm.
    -Add the eggs one by one and baking powder as she whipped average.
    - Insert the plastic bag triangle. Spray dough with a syringe shells were spread thin on a baking sheet margarine.
    - Oven 20 minutes with a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Lower the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius. Oven for another 20 minutes until dry.
    -Plugs one side with a toothpick. Spray with half of dark cooking chocolate and half with white cooking chocolate. Allow to dry.



Jumat, 29 Maret 2013


BAKPIA PURPLE YAM :)hello ... happy cake recipe ready to share the latest at the end of the month of March with a cake bakpia typical snacks from Yogyakarta who always hunted tourists who are visiting Indonesia. This time not just any bakpia but bakpia rare, bakpia purple yam. Turns purple yam has many benefits for our bodies as useful as an antioxidant that can absorb air pollution, oxidation in the body and inhibits blood clotting so the health of the blood flow more smoothly, the content of beta-carotene, vitamin E and C is beneficial as an antioxidant to prevent cancer and cardiovascular illnesses, fiber and pectin in sweet purple very well to prevent digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation to colon cancer, purple sweet potato anthocyanins also have physiological functions eg antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, protection against liver damage, heart disease and stroke, and can serve as a source kabohidrat for the body and as a natural food coloring. Okay here's a delicious recipe of processed sweet purple:

:) Ingredients Skin:
- 125 g cake flour
- 65 grams of high protein flour
- 2 tbsp sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- 100 ml of water
- 200 ml vegetable oil (for dough 50cc, 150 for marinated)
:) Bakpia Leather Lining Materials:
- 65 gr flour proteins are being
- 25 ml of vegetable oil
- ½ tablespoons margarine
:) Material Contents:
- 250 gr purple yam (steamed and mashed)
- 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
- 2 tablespoons margarine
- 2 tablespoons of milk powder
:) How to Make the contents: Mix ingredients together, place in baking pan bake 5 minutes. Then the spherical shape

:) How to Make Skin Bakpia:
1. Material layer: Mix all ingredients, mix well and set aside.
2. Heat the water, put sugar. Stir until blended and sugar is dissolved. Mix the flour and salt. Pour the sugar water solution and then knead until smooth.
3. Pour the vegetable oil, knead until dough is smooth.
4. Take the dough weighing ± 5 gr. Tipiskan dough, take a little dough layers, flatten the surface of the dough evenly.
5. Fold like an envelope and unite the edges (rounded).
6. Insert the dough circle in the remaining oil, let sit for 15 minutes.
7. Flatten the dough until quite thin, fill with batter contents. Flat round shape.
8. Bake in oven temperature of 200 0 C ± 15 minutes until cooked through.


Jumat, 01 Maret 2013


RAINBOW PUDDING CAKE RECIPEcolors of the rainbow is a bright cheerful colors, if the color is used to make a cake, it would be a unique cake. Here's a recipe that has been modified rainbow cake :)
rainbow pudding cake recipe smile

:) Ingredients cake:

-3 Eggs
-60 Grams of sugar
-60 Grams of cake flour
-10 Grams of cornstarch
-15 Grams of milk powder
-65 Grams of margarine, melted
- ½ tsp vanilla paste:) Pudding Rainbow:

- 800 ml of liquid milk
- 2 bks gelatin powder
- 100 grams of sugar
- 6 egg whites
- ¾ tsp salt
- 240 grams of sugar
- ¼ tsp strawberry essence
- 1/8 tsp pepper red dye
- 1/8 tsp yellow dye
- 1/8 tsp orange dye
- 1/8 tsp green dye
- 1/8 tsp blue dye
- 1/8 tsp purple dye:) Pudding Bening:

- 200 ml of water
- 25 grams of sugar
- ½ tsp agar-agar powder

1. Cake: Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add the flour, cornstarch and milk powder as she sifted and stirred gently. Enter melted margarine and vanilla paste gradually, stirring gently.
2.Tuang dough into a round baking pan diameter 22 cm, height 3 cm topical and pad of paper rolls. Oven with fire below 190 ° C for 25 minutes until cooked. Insert into cake pan 22 cm high 7 cm were covered with plastic. Set aside.
3. Pudding rainbow: Boil the milk, agar-agar powder and sugar, stirring until bubbling. Add strawberry essence. Stir well. Set aside.
4.Kocok egg whites and salt until half fluffy. Enter the sugar little by little as she whipped until fluffy. Pour pudding stew gradually while whipped average. Divide the dough into 6 parts. Each added a red dye, yellow, orange, green, blue and purple. Stir each mixture.
5. Pour pudding over the cake red. Let the half-frozen. Do it until the dough runs out, the next order of yellow, green, blue and purple. Let the half-frozen.
6. Pudding Bening: boiled water, sugar, agar-agar powder and jelly powder, stirring until boiling. Pour over pudding foam. Freeze.

SOURCE: Tabloid Saji


Kamis, 28 Februari 2013


You know the dragon fruit? dragon fruit has many benefits such as:
inhibit premature aging, prevent cancer, boost immunity, increase appetite, strengthen tulanga and dental care for eye health, skin health care etc.
Dragon fruit can also be cooked into a cake as tasty as cake following:

:) ingredients:

    - 250 grams of granulated sugar
- 120 grams butter
- 2 large eggs
- 10 grams of cocoa powder
- 20 grams of full cream milk powder
- 175 grams of wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 75 ml plain yogurt
- 75 ml of red dragon fruit, mashed with a fork
    - Buttercream or whipped cream to taste

:) How to Make:

    1. Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until smooth and pale.
    2. Add the eggs, beat until well blended and fluffy.
    3. Enter part flour, cocoa powder and milk powder. Stir until blended.
    4.Pour yogurt and dragon fruit is smooth, stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
    5.Pour the batter into the mold size 24x10x5 cm 2 which was smeared with margarine and covered with baking paper.
    6.Bake for 30 minutes in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees celsius.
    7.Lift the cake, chill.
    8. Cover the top of the cake with buttercream, cake stacked with others.
     If you like, cover the dough with buttercream.


Senin, 25 Februari 2013

GETUK CAKE | Happy Cake


Gethuk is typical Indonesian food, in every city also has different processing recipes are like gethuk of magelang, gethuk Sokaraja, gethuk Banyumas, getuk lindri etc. If you visit Indonesia do not forget to buy this cake for souvenirs beloved family :)
Here is a simple recipe to make gethuk:

- 1 kg of fresh cassava
- palm sugar 300 g
- shredded coconut 0.5 points
- salt 1 tsp
- sufficient water
- vanilla to taste
- coloring (optional) to taste

1. Cassava peeled and washed thoroughly, and then
cut into pieces and boiled. one scoop
tea salt put into the cooking water.
2. After the tender, the water drained disposed.
Cassava again roasted over low heat so that the water
completely discharged.
3 cooked with palm sugar and a half cup of water
until melted, and then filtered.
4. Cassava is still hot, destroyed
help of a fork, while spiked vanilla, dyes,
and sugar water little by little. mixed up
is really uneven.
5. If you want a more subtle, the dough was transferred to the tool
getuk grinder. The dough will come out like a tangle
thick rope that extends so that it looks
draw (on making getuk lindri). However,
if you do not have these tools, we can refine
getuk on a banana leaf net
placed on a flat base. Dough
arranged smooth thick 1.5 finger or according to taste
and the mixture allowed to stand until cool.
After that, getuk be cut into pieces according
taste (usually a square).
Getuk served with grated coconut
stamped a little salt.


Senin, 04 Februari 2013


PURPLE SWEET BROWNIESHi.... next recipe is unique purple sweet brownies please try :)


:) Ingredients:
- 200 grams of purple sweet potato, steamed, mashed
- 150 grams of margarine
- 200 grams of dark cooking chocolate, cut into pieces
- 3 eggs
- 100 grams of sugar
- 50 grams of cake flour
- 25 grams of cocoa powder
- 15 grams of milk powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 75 grams of raisins, cut in 2 parts
- 100 grams of peanuts, toasted, roughly chopped

:) How to make:

    1. Heat margarine. Turn off heat. Add the chopped dark cooking chocolate. Stir until dissolved. Add sweet purple. Stir well. Set aside and let it thicken.
    2. Beat eggs and sugar 2 minutes until smooth. Enter the margarine mixture a little as she whipped average.
    3.Tambahkan flour, cocoa powder, milk powder, and baking powder as she sifted and shaken gently. Enter the raisins, and peanuts. Stir well.
    4.Tuang batter in pan 30x10x4 cm dialas smeared margarine and baking paper. Sprinkle with nuts.
    5. Oven with fire under the temperature of 180 degrees Celsius 30 minutes until cooked. Chill.

forward to the next purple sweet potato recipes


Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013


Crocodile Bread is part of the culture in Indonesia, especially on the Betawi people.
For the people of Betawi, crocodile bread is a symbol of loyalty, and therefore in every wedding indigenous Betawi, always include bread crocodile as dowry.

:) Ingredients:

- 100 grams of margarine
- 15 grams of salt
- 25 grams of yeast
- 1000 gr flour
- 250 grams sugar
- 15 gr full cream milk powder
- 3 eggs
- 70 cc of water ice

:) How to cook:

1. Materials incorporated into the mixer, stir until smooth / smooth.
2. Weigh in accordance with the size of the crocodile bread.
3. Variations adapted to the shape of bread.
4. Bake the dough until cooked.


Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Chocolate Cake Cats Tongue | Happy Cake

 Okay, this time a unique recipe for you, Check this out :)

Chocolate Cake Cats Tongue                                                                                                                    
Chocolate Cake Cats Tongue smile

:) Ingredients:
- 75 grams of sugar flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp chocolate pasta
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 300 gr almond pieces
- 15 g milk powder
- 200 g margarine
- 175 gr flour
- 5 eggs

:) How to Make:

1. Beat margarine for 5 minutes.
2. Enter the powdered sugar, then beat again until blended.
3. Add baking powder, flour, and milk powder as she sifted and keep stirring until blended.
4. Enter the chocolate paste, mix well and set aside.
5. Prepare the egg whites and salt, beat until fluffy look.
6. Enter the powdered sugar slowly, she whipped up really fluffy.
7. Then mix into the flour mixture slowly and stir until blended.
8. Prepare plastic triangle and enter the dough into it.
9. Spray it on a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine.
10. Add pieces of almonds as a topping diatasanya.
11. Oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius until cooked.


Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

DUMPLINGS | Happy Cake


dumplings smile

:) Ingredients:
- 500 g of wheat flour
- ½ tablespoons yeast gist
- 75 g sugar
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 225 cc of water
- 1 tbsp white butter
- Paper bread, cut into 5 x 5 cm for the base

:) How to Make:
1. Stir baking powder, sugar in water until dissolved.
2. Stir in the butter, flour, yeast until blended enter the sugar solution gradually while in stir until blended.
3. Knead the dough by hand for 15 minutes until smooth, molded by hand.
4. Round the dough and covered with a wet cloth and then allowed to stand for 30 minutes (until puffed so 2x)
5. Shape dough round object, weighing 50 g flatten each dough, fill the center with a brown / green bean / meat etc..
6. Put the dough no 5. Above baking paper and set aside for 10 minutes until puffed.
7. Steamed in a hot soblok ± 15 minutes until cooked. Close soblok wrapped in a napkin so that the steam does not drip water.


Kamis, 03 Januari 2013


This is it..... good snack for you "Happy Cake" :)
HOT CHEESE STICK                                                                                                                               

hot cheese stick smile

:) Ingredients:
- 250 g flour
- ½ tbsp sugar
- ½ tbsp ground red chili
- ½ tbsp crushed garlic
- Salt to taste
- 25 g of melted butter
- 1 egg
- Oil for frying
- 25 cc coconut milk

:) How to Make:
1. Tepug Mix together sugar, spices, salt, butter, eggs and milk, knead until smooth.
2. Milled dough until thin. Cut with a knife roder sizes ½ cm x 3 cm.
3. Fry in oil over medium heat, until cooked and dry.


SERENA | Happy Cake

this is it....the savory snacks for your beloved family... always smile "Happy Cake" :)

serena smile

:) Ingredients:
- 2 ounces of wheat
- 2 tablespoons of starch squeeze
- 2 ounces of margarine, melted
- 2 ounces granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon lime peel (grated)
- 1 pack vx
- 1 tsp ovolet
- 5 eggs

:) How to Make:
1. Wheat, starch, vx blended until smooth.
2. Eggs, sugar & ovalet in the mixer, followed by grated orange ± 15 minutes until white and fluffy.
3. Insert the dough into dough no 1 no 2 bit by bit and in one direction mixer until blended.
4. Melted margarine and mix with a spoon inserted one araah until blended.
5. Heated dicetakan.



This is it.... Happy Cake :)
CHOCOLATE DROP                                                                                                                               

chocolate drop smile

:) Ingredients:
- 1 kg of chopped roasted peanuts
- ½ kg of refined sugar
- 1 ont chocolate powder
- 4 eggs
- 2-4 tablespoons of cornstarch

:) How to Make:
1. Chopped roasted peanuts and mix other ingredients.
2. Printed in the pan, bake samapai mature.