Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


ALMOND PUDDING MANGO CAKE :)                                                                                               

almond pudding mango cake smile

:)Material :
  • 200 milli liters of fresh milk
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • 1/2 packs so that the white powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond essence
  • 2 egg whites
:) Materials to make Mango Sauce:
  • 125 grams of mango flesh
  • 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 50 milli liter of boiled water
:) How to make:
  • Combine milk, sugar and so that she boiled until boiling.
  • Lift stirring stir until the steam is lost
  • Put almond essence, continue stirring evenly.
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff.
  • Pour the milk mixture while stirring constantly until well blended.
  • Pour into a mold according to taste, chill.
  • Store in freezer until frozen
:)  Mango Sauce:
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender bowl.
  • Process until smooth.
  • Heat on low heat until boiling and thickened.
  • Remove and let cool.
  • Serve the pudding with sauce.


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