Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

MUD CAKE | Happy Cake

MUD CAKE   :)                                                                                                                                        

mud cake

•300 grams of potatoes
•5 egg yolks
•2 egg whites
•250 grams of granulated sugar
•400 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
•50 grams of margarine, melted
•1/4 tsp vanilla powder
•1/2 tsp salt
•175 grang flour
•1 young coconut, dredge
•cooking oil to spread
•50 grams of raisins, soaked to bloom, for sprinkling
•1/2 young coconuts, dredging, to garnish

• Steam the potatoes until cooked, lift, skin peel while hot. Immediately mash the potatoes using a smoothing tool, set aside.
•Beat the egg yolks with sugar and white terlur using mixer until fluffy. Enter the coconut milk, melted margarine, vanilla, and salt, mix well using a wire beater until blended.
•Add potatoes and flour gradually while stirring constantly, until the dough is smooth and slippery, then strain, discarding the waste. Enter dredger coconut, stir well and set aside.
• Heat the mud cake pan over medium heat. Spread with a little cooking oil. Pour the batter into the molds until 3/4 full, then close the mold, and cook until half cooked.
• Open the lid molding, decorative top of the cake with coconut and raisins rake. Continue cooking until done (about 10 minutes), remove from heat. remove the cake from the mold.


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