Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


EGG ROLLS CAKE  :)                                                                                                                             

egg rolls cake

 :)Material :
250 grams of wheat flour
• 4 btr egg, lightly beaten
350 cc coconut milk from half coconut btr
1/4 tsp salt
• 50 cc of water leaves suji

:)Material  Contents:
• 100 cc water
250 g coconut, grated fiber direction
• 150 grams of brown sugar or 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
• 2 lb leaf pandan
1/4 tsp salt
margarine, to spread

:) How to Make:
Contents: stir ingredients together, cook until soft and the water runs out.
Dadar: Mix flour, eggs, salt, and water leaves suji. Enter the coconut milk gradually while stirring, until the dough is smooth (can with the mixer).
Heat a pan (diameter 20 cm), basting with margarine. Pour batter, evenly thin omelette. Lift.
The contents of each sheet of dough pancakes with oil, fold side down, right and left, then roll.


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